getting hands on didn’t stop with just watches, leathercraft also became part of my growing list of interests. nothing feels better than putting on a bespoke shell cordovan strap to mark the start of a cold season. actually, anything made of leather is right up my alley.
leathercraft is completely different from watchmaking… scratch awl vs. tweezer, pricking iron vs. screwdriver, skin vs. steel, yet what they do have in common is the aspect of being hand made by someone on a bench. i wanted to be that person, with separate dedicated benches of course, so i developed my leathercraft skills alongside my watch building abilities.
like everything else i offer, i’m not going to make some rash claim that my straps are superior to others. There are incredible makers all over the world that I highly respect. but what i can say is, my straps are not outsourced nor made by someone else with my logo simply stamped on afterwards - each one is completely hand made by me, from stitch to burnish, on my leather working bench.